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Saving Money & the Environment with Solar in Washington D.C. – EDGE Energy Case Study

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After an incident with the local utility company resulted in serious fire damage to their home, Amy and Lou were strongly motivated to seek alternative energy solutions and drive down their electric bills. The couple, living in Washington, D.C., was interested in renewable energy as a way to offset their utility costs and do their part for the environment.
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Discovering Solar from EDGE Energy

Before investing in a solar system, Amy and Lou spoke with a family friend who had their home’s solar system installed by EDGE Energy. After hearing the rave review about the productivity of his system, the couple was convinced that solar energy would also be the best solution for them. They wanted to have EDGE Energy install their system.

Initial Savings on Solar in Washington, D.C.

A recent action by the city council made a solar system even more attractive for Lou and Amy. The city had just recently extended and enhanced an already attractive SREC (solar renewable energy credit) program in the nation’s capital, making the payback for a home solar system about four to seven years.

Home Solar System Installation by EDGE Energy

In the spring of 2016, Amy met with part-owner Anthony Colella of EDGE Energy to discuss the goals for her home. The couple had agreed that they wanted the largest system that would fit on their roof and it had to look great on their well-maintained home in the historical Palisades neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

Since their home had a slate roof, they needed a contractor who was well-versed in this type of construction and installation. Fortunately, EDGE has experience will all kinds of homes, roofs and energy requirements. In order to fully accommodate the couple, truly black-on-black solar panels and a sophisticated racking system were required.

SunPower solar panels quickly became the obvious choice for Lou and Amy. The EDGE team suggested the X-20 250-watt Signature Black panels on SunPower Invisimount racking. This would not only give the family maximum power from their 13 kW system, with premium aesthetics, but about half of the installation costs would return to them in the first year.

The comprehensive 25 year SunPower warranty also gave Amy and Lou true peace of mind. They now won’t have to worry about babysitting their investment over time.

Taking Advantage of Solar Energy

EDGE Energy was able to install the 13 kW system in four days onto the couple’s existing slate roof, with all of the major electrical components tucked neatly into the garage around their main panel and generator.

With the system turned on, Amy and Lou are providing the majority of their home’s electricity from their panels, making thousands of dollars in SREC sales and contributing substantially to their own personal and local government goals of clean renewable power.

Solar energy for their home has made their monthly bills drop substantially, leaving the family money for more important things than paying the utility and giving them the satisfaction that they’re doing their part for the environment.

What Do the Homeowners Have to Say About Going Solar?

“We think the system is beautiful and EDGE did a wonderful job installing it. It is truly satisfying watching our electric meter run backwards for the better part of the day.” – Amy C., Washington, D.C.

“The installation process went well, the system looks fantastic and it was installed on a slate roof. We are pleased and look forward to realizing savings in the future.” – Lou C., Washington, D.C.

If you’re a homeowner in Washington, D.C., Virginia or Maryland you can start taking advantage of solar energy with help from EDGE today! Contact us or call (888) 586-3343 today to see what solar power can do for your home!

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