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EDGE Energy has Been Featured on Redfin Mon, 20 Jul 2020 21:10:45 +0000 Redfin’s blog has recently published an article on how homeowners can reduce their environmental impact of their home. The article titled, “How to Save Energy and Reduce Waste at Home” gives 16 tips and tricks that you can leverage today. Installing LED lights and turning the thermostat two degrees are two easy DIY project homeowners can do.

To have an even greater impact on waste and energy reduction homeowners can schedule a home energy audit, install basic cost-effective retrofits, and integrate a roof solar system. Thankfully, EDGE Energy has got you covered if you do decide to undertake these upgrades. Check out the the Redfin article to learn more on how you can save energy and reduce your waste.

How to Save Energy and Reduce Waste at Home
July 14, 2020 by Julia Weaver
Sacred Economics Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:31:34 +0000 Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition

EDGE Energy Featured In FlyWheel Development Article: Blower Door Tests Fri, 26 May 2017 14:58:15 +0000 To achieve Passivhaus certification, the homes have to achieve a minimum air tightness level of 0.60 ACH 50, which is five times “tighter” than the 3.0 ACH 50 required of new Maryland code-built houses.

In this image, Robert Champ of Edge Energy operates a blower door, which pressurizes and depressurizes the house to test air-tightness and spot leaks. The initial blower door test, conducted after the modules were installed on site, was 0.36 ACH 50. This initial blower door test provides a crucial window to spot any glaring air leaks before they are covered in other building materials and become more difficult to access. The homes’ final blower door test, completed after construction was wrapped up, was 0.35 – below the Passivhaus requirement of 0.6.


See the full article here:


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Top Questions to Ask Your Contractor Before Going Solar Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:46:30 +0000 The choice to convert to solar energy in your home isn’t a complicated one. The benefits are undeniable, from saving money each month to living a more sustainable life. But things can get a little more complicated when it comes to choosing a solar contractor and actually embarking on the installation process. That’s why it’s important to ask questions and make sure you’ve investing in the best equipment, workmanship, and service possible.

Home Improvement Leads offers a list of some of the most important question you can ask your solar contractor.  

Is my roof suitable for solar?

Solar panels can be installed on most types of roofing materials, but there are many other aspects to consider. First of all, any leaks, rot, or damage will need to repaired before installation. Second, your roof needs at least 10 years of solid performance left. If you’re just a few years away from the end of your roof warranty, it doesn’t make sense to install solar panels that will have to be removed and reinstalled in just a few years. Solar panels typically last 25 years or longer, so you may need to reroof if your roof has seen better days. The installer must also consider the pitch and size of your roof and whether any shading (such as from a tree or nearby building) will block the panels’ access to sunlight.

Do you have the appropriate licenses and insurance?

Amid the growing options for solar contractors, the best way to narrow them down is by evaluating credentials. Online reviews are a good tool, but you don’t just want good service and good product; you want a guarantee that if anything goes wrong, the contractor or their insurance will take responsibility. Be sure to ask for paperwork or a license number and verify. Don’t make such a life-changing investment based on someone’s word.

Do you recommend a solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA) as an alternative to buying?


Solar leases and PPAs can decrease your upfront investment. You get to use the power generated by the panels but you do not own them. Therefore, the company handles the maintenance and any necessary repairs. This can be convenient for some people, but these agreements aren’t right for everyone. It can be difficult to sell your home with a leased solar system, so make sure you’re entering an arrangement that works for you.

How much money will I save? How long will it take to pay the system off?

Vague answers simply will not cut it when it comes to how much energy the system will produce monthly. Your installer should be able to give you estimates on how much you’ll save based on your energy load, the utility prices in your area (with regard to inflation), and how much energy your solar system will produce. You should also have a method of keeping track of your energy production to make sure your system is living up to its potential.

What incentives are currently available?

Your solar contractor should be knowledgeable about the federal, state, local, and utility incentives that can be applied toward the project. Ask them whether or not they handle the rebate paperwork or if they’re available to help you with the process. Make sure they’re familiar with the standards that need to be met and permits that need to be obtained in order for these incentives to be applicable.

Could I add extra panels in the future?

Some solar customers make a one-time investment in a system that’s big enough to cover their entire home’s energy load. Others buy a system smaller system and use grid energy to fill in the gaps. If you’re in the latter group but are interested in expanding your solar array in the future, make sure your system and your roof are expansion-friendly. If you think you would be interested in going off-grid in the near future, be sure that your system has that capability as well.

What do I do if there’s a problem with the system?

Don’t let this question be an afterthought. If your system doesn’t perform as well as promised or something goes wrong, you need to know who to contact, how you can get a hold of them, and how long it will take for someone to respond and resolve the issue.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Any solar contractor worth hiring will be comfortable answering these and many more; they’re there to help you attain clean, green energy in a format that suits your needs.

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How to Know You Have a Qualified HVAC Contractor Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:40:40 +0000 Many homeowners relish the opportunity to make a comfortable living environment and enjoy getting acquainted with the inner workings of their home. However, there are some aspects of residential living that are so specialized and technical that they require the expertise of a qualified professional. At Home Improvement Leads, we understand that HVAC is a complex area that is best left to the pros, but we know how difficult it can be to find a qualified contractor who will do the best for you and your home. If you want to know whether you have a qualified HVAC contractor for your next home improvement project, we’ve come up with a few things to look for during your contractor search.

Basic HVAC qualifications

The qualifications obtained by contractors can and will vary, depending on their specific education pathways and experiences. Basic vocational training and on-site experience are essential for a qualified HVAC professional. If you want to be sure these qualifications are legitimate, you can do a basic background check of your contractor’s education and find out whether they are from reputable institutions or businesses. While your check will likely end with confirmation of their qualifications, it is important to remain aware that scams occasionally crop up in the contracting world and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Certifications and training

As with education and qualifications, the certifications and training undertaken by HVAC contractors may differ slightly. However, the Environmental Protection Agency requires all HVAC professionals to undertake mandatory training on exposure to and work with hazardous refrigerants. The certification they receive from this training is labeled EPA 608 and should be one of the first things your contractor tells you when listing qualifications. If you have particularly specific or complicated HVAC needs, it is also a good idea to look for a contractor with specialized training in the areas you require.


All contracting professionals need to be properly licensed in order to work. For HVAC professionals, this licensing is required on a state-by-state basis. Before you make any agreements with your contractor, check that his/her state licensing is current, up to date, and valid for the state you live in. If your contractor has moved around and worked in this field for a number of years, he/she may be licensed in a number of states, but if this list doesn’t include your state then he/she is not fit to work for you.


Depending on your contractor’s employment status (usually either self-employed or part of a larger corporation), your HVAC professional should have several types of insurance to protect himself/herself, you, and your home. For most contractors, this includes business insurance, workers’ compensation, and damage and liability insurance. This information should be made clear to you before any work on your HVAC system begins, in order to avoid insurance issues in the event of damage to your home or anyone in it.


A qualified HVAC contractor will understand and be up to date on the latest products offered, including Energy Star rated products and brands, the latest and best energy efficient units and their energy efficiency ratios, and maintenance instructions and tips. Your contractor should be able to convey this information to you as the consumer easily and without hesitation. If you feel as if your contractor doesn’t understand the ins and outs of your particular HVAC system, it might be a good idea to find someone with more expertise.


Although finding out about qualifications and training are essential steps to choosing a skilled HVAC contractor, there is nothing quite like a positive reference from someone who knows to help make your decision. If applicable, you can check with employers and other business professionals who can vouch for your contractor’s skills. Asking around to see if other homeowners recommend your professional is another way to get references. However, one of the best ways to find reviews of your contractor’s work is through social media: if your HVAC professional has an online presence, you should be able to easily find out everything you want to know.

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Saving Money & the Environment with Solar in Washington D.C. – EDGE Energy Case Study Mon, 05 Dec 2016 15:34:01 +0000 After an incident with the local utility company resulted in serious fire damage to their home, Amy and Lou were strongly motivated to seek alternative energy solutions and drive down their electric bills. The couple, living in Washington, D.C., was interested in renewable energy as a way to offset their utility costs and do their part for the environment.
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Discovering Solar from EDGE Energy

Before investing in a solar system, Amy and Lou spoke with a family friend who had their home’s solar system installed by EDGE Energy. After hearing the rave review about the productivity of his system, the couple was convinced that solar energy would also be the best solution for them. They wanted to have EDGE Energy install their system.

Initial Savings on Solar in Washington, D.C.

A recent action by the city council made a solar system even more attractive for Lou and Amy. The city had just recently extended and enhanced an already attractive SREC (solar renewable energy credit) program in the nation’s capital, making the payback for a home solar system about four to seven years.

Home Solar System Installation by EDGE Energy

In the spring of 2016, Amy met with part-owner Anthony Colella of EDGE Energy to discuss the goals for her home. The couple had agreed that they wanted the largest system that would fit on their roof and it had to look great on their well-maintained home in the historical Palisades neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

Since their home had a slate roof, they needed a contractor who was well-versed in this type of construction and installation. Fortunately, EDGE has experience will all kinds of homes, roofs and energy requirements. In order to fully accommodate the couple, truly black-on-black solar panels and a sophisticated racking system were required.

SunPower solar panels quickly became the obvious choice for Lou and Amy. The EDGE team suggested the X-20 250-watt Signature Black panels on SunPower Invisimount racking. This would not only give the family maximum power from their 13 kW system, with premium aesthetics, but about half of the installation costs would return to them in the first year.

The comprehensive 25 year SunPower warranty also gave Amy and Lou true peace of mind. They now won’t have to worry about babysitting their investment over time.

Taking Advantage of Solar Energy

EDGE Energy was able to install the 13 kW system in four days onto the couple’s existing slate roof, with all of the major electrical components tucked neatly into the garage around their main panel and generator.

With the system turned on, Amy and Lou are providing the majority of their home’s electricity from their panels, making thousands of dollars in SREC sales and contributing substantially to their own personal and local government goals of clean renewable power.

Solar energy for their home has made their monthly bills drop substantially, leaving the family money for more important things than paying the utility and giving them the satisfaction that they’re doing their part for the environment.

What Do the Homeowners Have to Say About Going Solar?

“We think the system is beautiful and EDGE did a wonderful job installing it. It is truly satisfying watching our electric meter run backwards for the better part of the day.” – Amy C., Washington, D.C.

“The installation process went well, the system looks fantastic and it was installed on a slate roof. We are pleased and look forward to realizing savings in the future.” – Lou C., Washington, D.C.

If you’re a homeowner in Washington, D.C., Virginia or Maryland you can start taking advantage of solar energy with help from EDGE today! Contact us or call (888) 586-3343 today to see what solar power can do for your home!

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Instead Of Buying Electricity From The Power Company, What If You Bought It From Your Neighbor? Mon, 05 Dec 2016 04:00:00 +0000 Traditionally, when you want electricity, you buy it from a utility. In the future, you may buy it from the house next door. A Dutch company called PowerPeers is making it happen in the Netherlands.

Our Commitment to Working Locally Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:51:49 +0000 In a relatively recent trend, significantly more people are beginning to realize the real costs of large corporations. Across industries, many customers are looking to hometown companies that work with local labor and materials to provide high-quality products and services.

While there is a definite satisfaction of the need for instant gratification with large corporations, businesses located in the Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland area provide more personalized, careful service through their attention to detail and appreciation of the customer. According to recent studies, every $100 spent at a local business infuses just under $70 back into the local economy, allowing customers to reap benefits beyond just purchasing a product or service.

The EDGE Energy Local Advantage

At EDGE Energy, we see every customer as a unique individual and provide the highest quality of service ensuring complete satisfaction. Unlike larger corporations, EDGE Energy doesn’t skimp on providing excellent care for our customers and employees. We don’t outsource our work, so when we say we will do a job you can trust that you will be dealing with the same trustworthy people throughout the entire process.

Supporting the Local Community

Our EDGE Energy employees are locals; some of us have been working with the company for over 9 years! Our employees are promoted from within, which allows for terrific advancement opportunities for loyal individuals within the community. Our employees matter to us, and we work hard to provide them with competitive wages, an exceptional working environment and a supportive team. In addition to having local employees, EDGE Energy is locally owned and operated in Maryland.


Supporting the Environment

While providing the local economy with jobs, EDGE Energy also helps to make the community a more energy conscious and efficient place. With the right tools, certifications and experience, EDGE Energy provides the Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia areas with energy efficiency focused audits and ratings, home upgrades, solar energy, and green building services.

Helping local customers save money through energy efficient alternatives and upgrades, we indirectly bring in capital to the local economy, while simultaneously helping preserve the health of the environment and providing quality jobs to local people. Supporting the world in becoming healthier place for current and future generations is our top priority!

Ready to start supporting the local community by choosing EDGE Energy for your energy efficiency needs? Contact us today!

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Why Chose Solar (More Specifically, SunPower)? Wed, 08 Jun 2016 17:58:28 +0000 More and more homeowners throughout the US and the rest of the world are choosing to “go solar” than ever before. Solar is one of the cleanest renewable energy sources available. Many people overlook the fact that our sun is essentially a naturally occurring nuclear reactor, releasing tiny energy packets referred to as “photons” that travel 93 million miles from the sun to the earth in a shocking eight-and-a-half minutes.

Enough of these photons hit the planet each hour to theoretically power the globe for a solid year, which explains why so many people are choosing to go solar. EDGE Energy is a proud dealer of SunPower solar projects, and we’ll help you move further in the direction of energy independence than ever before.

sun power premier dealer

Save Money, Help the Environment

Switching to solar energy is one of the best ways to save a sizeable amount of money on your electric bill each month. In many cases, true energy independence is possible, and because the energy generated by solar panels is the cleanest available, you can help to offset Co2 emissions by as much as 890,000 metric tons each year. SunPower is also working to create thousands of jobs in the solar space throughout the country, giving back to the economy and helping businesses move towards greener practices.

SunPower panels are capable of producing 60% more energy per square foot than traditional panels. With a lifespan of over 40 years, they’re capable of producing 70% of today’s energy well into the next century!

The Benefits of Solar Power

For those who aren’t quite sure whether or not solar is for them, it’s important to take a moment to look at the many benefits associated with installing solar panels. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Clean, Renewable Energy
  • Reduced Carbon Emissions
  • Low to Nonexistent Energy Bills
  • Available Tax Credits
  • Longevity of Systems Life

We know that many homeowners have questions about solar, which is why the team at Edge Energy is here to answer whatever concerns may come up before, during and after an installation.

Now More Affordable Than Ever!

Congress has enacted a tax bill that extends the solar investment tax credits for residential and commercial solar users, which includes a 10% tax credit for all commercial users in DC, Maryland and Virginia. Contact us to learn more and to schedule an appointment with of EDGE Energy’s home performance specialists.

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